I’m working on this entry at the Atlanta airport, between my flight from Lexington and my flight to Accra. I cannot believe I am already gone from Kentucky! So far there are three young women travelling with me from UK to Accra, and they are all lovely. I am especially grateful for my friend Michelle, who is also my classmate and will be my roommate. She has a very calm, kind, and organized way about her, and that puts my mind at ease.
In classic Chris Catron style, I fell down the steps of my apartment trying to carry too much to the car at once. Nothing was broken, but the pain of a twisted ankle has distracted me from the pure panic I had been feeling over missing my family and friends. In truth, it was actually a lucky fall, because I could have really been hurt and unable to travel as a result of it but instead I just have a little swollenness. I’m hoping to see a doctor on Saturday, if possible.
The flight is very long. I feel like it will never end. When I look outside my window, I see the same view of the moon, hour after hour without change, in the same position in the sky. The pain medication I had taken after my fall this afternoon has worn off, and I miss Zach very much. Hopefully I will catch some sleep soon.
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